Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Inorganic fertilizers such as urea (200 kg / ha)

Inorganic fertilizers such as urea (200 kg / ha), SP 36 (200 kg / ha), and KCl (75 kg / ha).
Pour fertilizer NASA POC that has been mixed evenly enough water on the beds, a dose of 1-2 bottles / 1000 m². The results will be better if you use SUPER NASA by way of: a) Alternative 1: One bottle of Super Nasa diluted in 3 liters of
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola used as mother liquor. Then every 50 liters of water was given 200 cc of mother liquor was to flush the beds. B) Alternative 2: every 1 yells vol 10 lt given 1 tablespoon pressed flush Super Nasa to 10 feet of beds.
Watering POC NASA / SUPER NASA conducted before manure application.
c. Give manure 5-6 tons / ha (mixed in ground beds or given to the planting hole) one week before planting, This species is a superior variety, because productivity could reach 30-35 tonnes per hectare. Granola is also resistant to potato diseases in general. When other varieties ravages disease could be 30%, only 10% of granola. Normal harvest age is 90 days, although 80 days can be harvested. Skin and flesh color yellow bulbs and relatively oval shape oval alias 2 Cipanas It is the Thung 1510 varieties from crosses with Desiree. Tuber skin and flesh yellow bulbs. Able producing up to 34 tonnes per hectare. However, this variety is rather sensitive Nematodes Meloidogyne against Sp and bacterial wilt attack Pseudomonas solanacearum. However, resistant to rot by the fungus Phytophthora infestans (late blight, leaf blight). Age harvest 95-105 days become longer than granola. 3 Cosima This variety is introduced from Germany, somewhat resistant to disease Phytophthora infestans and Pseudomonas bacterial wilt Solanacearum, little susceptible to leaf curl virus. And quite resistant to Nematodes Meloidogyne Sp. In Canning and Lembang (West Java) Cosima more
POKER  DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA rain resistant than the Catella. Age harvest 101 days. Power results are between 15-25 tons. Tubers rather berpipih, less uniform, somewhat in the eye, the tuber tasty and fluffier, but not good for frying.


Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Las hojas tienen forma de corazón, formando

Las hojas tienen forma de corazón, formando un patrón interesante. Cubriendo áreas grandes rápidamente. La mejor manera de agregar el carácter a una pared del jardín. Muy comúnmente extendido en los países tropicales, ya que puede cubrir una pared muy rápidamente. Plantas de exterior puede crecer hasta 15 "o más hojas son simples y pequeñas venación muy pronunciada en la parte inferior de las hojas de dos diferentes tipos de hojas: follaje juvenil ... muy pequeño y tiende a abrazar a la pared, o un enrejado que crece en las hojas viejas.

Vides filodendro Selloum en la pared
Philodendron Selloum
Dendron dedos o plantas especies de Araceae tribu que tiene muchas especies de flores y sigue siendo familiar con filo. Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 El nombre Philodendron Selloum o dedo Dendron derivada del griego, es decir, de Philo dice "Love" y Dendron "Árbol" Debido a la belleza de la forma que se asemeja a los dedos y las hojas de colores Philodendron Selloum muy favorecido como un plantas ornamentales de interior o plantó como página de inicio jardín ornamental porque su hoja nos da la impresión de frío y enfriar estas plantas mejor si no se expone a la luz solar directa durante al los rayos directos golpear el color y crecimiento hoja se convertirá en un ligeramente amarillento o se ralentizará su crecimiento.

Plantas decorador a todo color
El segundo tipo son las enredaderas que requieren un punto de apoyo para su propagación. Es decir, estos cultivos necesitan ayuda, como la transmisión por cable. Sin embargo, este tipo de vid no puede cerrar completamente la superficie de la pared. La ventaja, no va a dañar la pared porque las raíces no están incluidos en el. Especies hay una hermosa hoja, floración, fructificación o.
Las plantas que ditanaman pared verde que se puede utilizar aquí puede ser plantas menyebak o enredaderas. De esta manera, de forma rápida exuberante pared verde. Algunos tipos de plantas que pueden propagarse, entre otras cosas, begonias, dracaena, polisias, epiprenum y peperomia. Llene kriptantus bromelias y también puede proporcionar hermoso color, la siguiente descripción de la planta.

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

Eskaintzea nahikoa nutrienteak bai makro eta mikro.

Eskaintzea nahikoa nutrienteak bai makro eta mikro. A landare hazkunde elikagai oso garrantzitsua. Mantenugai hauek ongarri edo jarduera landaketa ertain jasotako mikroorganismoen hornitu daiteke.
     Ez dauka germenak, landaketa ertain free izurriteak eta gaixotasunak izan behar. Landaketa ertain jasotako izurrite eta gaixotasunen landareak eraso eta heriotza eragin lantegietan. Laborantza media behar ez izatea antzua lurzoruko mikroorganismoentzat asko dira benetan delako oso landareak onuragarria, baina germenak higienikoak izan behar du.

Organikoa hazten media materialak

Erabili ahal izango da untu material mota asko daude
# 5 bereziak outlet denda organikoa
Hau izango da lankidetza edo negozio garapena, berez, mulau on-baserriko off baserriko nahikoa zure kapitala bada egin daiteke. Metodo honek hainbat saltokietan organikoa erabiltzen dute Jakartan Bogor nekazari organiko elkarlanean.

# 6 talde edo kooperatibaren salmentak
Hau nekazaria arraroak duten talde berezi bat edo talde organiko bat egiten da oraindik bitartean. Baina hazten elikagai ekologikoak ospea batera, nekazari organiko elkarte itxura hartzen hasi dira. Horietako bat Indonesian Organikoa Elkartearen da.
a. Deskonektatu ziazerba edo espinakak Sekul espinakak aka zuri (A. tricolor L.). Baloratuko - ezaugarri deskonektatzea espinakak abiatzen dira gorrixka koloreko edo zurixka berdea - putihan, eta besapeko adarrak atera zen interesa du. Espinakak tira gorri bat dator espinakak gorria izenekoa, gomendatzen da zuria da berriz, eta zuri espinakak deritzo.
b. Espinakak urte, esparrua ziazerba edo espinakak Snapper (A. hybridus L.). Ezaugarriak - Hau da ukitu bereizgarria espinakak hosto zabalak ditu - zabalera, hau da, bi espezie, hain zuzen banatuta:
1) hybridus L. caudatus, punta bat, gorrixka kolore berdea hostoak baizik eta luzea du - Crimson edo gorri iluna, eta loreak dira sorta luze bat hagaxka amaieran bildu antolatuta.
Besapeko panicles handi - 2) hibridus paniculatus L., a base hostoak oso zabala, berdea, wreaths luze aldizka eta big antolatu ditu. Espinakak barietate Superior 7 mota daude; Giri barietate Green, Red Giti, Maksi, King, Betawi, Scope eta Green. Espinakak barietate batzuk superior zabaltzen CEMPAKA CEMPAKA 10 eta 20 bitartean.

2.4. Landareak abantailak
Espinakak bat landare hostotsu material nutritiboa eta gizartearen maila guztietan maitatua da. Espinakak hostoak hainbat barazki egin ahal izango dira, eta are gehiago, luxuzko plater bat (elite) izandakoa. Garapen bidean dauden herrialde batzuetan espinakak landare proteina-iturri gisa sustatu, elikadura-beharrak eta osasun zerbitzu publikoak bikoizteko.

Onura bat da medikuntza tradizionala bezala, eta, gainera, edertasuna. Red Amaranth sustraiak izango genukeela disentr sendabiderik bat bezala erabil daiteke. Espinakak hostoak eta lore Galdu asma eta ekzema tratatzeko eraginkorra. Nahiz eta neurri batean, espinakak medikuntza mota ezberdinak gainditu dezakete. Tratamendu kanpo arrazoiengatik,
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercayaespinaka honela kosmetikoak (edertasuna) erabil daiteke. Drogak - espinakak haziak dira janari eta medikuntza egiteko erabiltzen da. Espinakak haziak mixer penyeling ogia edo porridge espinakak haziak eginda egiteko irina egiteko erabili ahal dutelarik. Espinakak hazia atera zurixka propietate sendagarriak, eta gehiegizko odoljarioa nor menstruating emakumeak ere.

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

Choose the sloped ground 3 to 5%

Choose the sloped ground 3 to 5%, so that the flow of water into the pool can be more easily by gravity.

SARANG303 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA3) If you have the option of determining how patin fish with nets floating system, then choose the river which has a slow flow.
4) Choose catfish habitat that have water quality that is clean, try not so murky water, well water should not be contaminated with chemicals that are toxic and should not be contaminated by waste from industrial or factory.
5) Keep the water temperature in the range of 26 to 28 degrees Celsius when the eggs hatch the larvae are ready to form the aquarium included. For areas that have water temperatures tend to be lower then the required heater or heater so that the water temperature remains stable and on reaching the optimum temperature.
6) Try not to let you have a pool of water that has the acidity of about 6.5 to 7.
Ways catfish hatcheries
Ways catfish hatcheries should be selected locations for farm pond close to the water source and is free from flooding. To facilitate the irrigation system into the pool pools should be built on the location of the land sloped ramps and 3 to 5%. It is intended that water easily and smoothly flows into the pond.

SUNDULBET AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAThere are at least 3 types of pools that need to be prepared to start catfish farming ways.
1) Maintain Parent Place pool.
Pond area is determined by how much the number of parent and intensity in its processing, for example to 100 kilograms parent should be maintained in the pool with an area of ​​approximately 500 m2, terms of choosing this type of pool if you just rely on natural food sources plus bran. But if the feed to be provided in the form pellets holding it for 100 pounds can be kept in the pool with an area of ​​between 150 to 200 m2 only. Swimming should have a rectangular shape, the side walls can pool the wall, but for the type of ground pools should be covered with woven bamboo sidewalls.
2) The Spawning Pool
Swimming can be a breeding ground pool or a tub wall, the amount of the parent to be breeded affect the magnitude of the size or area of ​​the pool. For example, for 1 whole stem having a weight of 3 pounds should be placed on a pond with an area of ​​18 square meters which is equipped with approximately 18 pieces of fibers.
3) Swimming Places Separating
Nursery places for swimming pools should be created in the form of a square 4, buatkanlah channel (kemalir) on the bottom of the pool and also wallo
BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAw in to back the spending channel. Kemalir channels and pools created with the aim to collect the seeds at harvest time arrives.

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

A foto acima é de jasmim para exportação na forma de roncean.

A foto acima é de jasmim para exportação na forma de roncean.

  1. BosPoker.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya
Imagem: embalagem de jasmim para fins de exportação.
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Cortar padrão de jasmim Flores
Um mês antes do plantio, sementes adaptadas jasmim em torno do jardim. Terra fertilizar o jardim pronto para o plantio de base é composta de 3 gramas de TSP, mais 2 gramas de KCl por planta. Quando cada um continha cerca de 60.000 hectares de terra para o espaçamento buraco de plantio de 1,0 mx 1,5 m, em seguida, a necessidade de fertilizantes de base, constituída de 180 kg e 120 kg TSP KCI.
Juntamente com o fornecimento de fertilizantes básicos podem ser adicionados pembenah e estabilização do solo, por exemplo AGROVIT, stratos / húmus ácido Gro-Mate.