Senin, 29 September 2014

Shell has a bitter taste sepet-Sepet

Shell has a bitter taste sepet-Sepet, more bitter than the skin and flesh of the fruit. This part is also not recommended to be consumed immediately as it can lead to drunkenness, dizziness, and even fainting. However, after being processed, this section is more efficacious than the skin and flesh of the fruit. This section can treat serious diseases such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, lung disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.
There is a reason why the gods do not eat grains crown. Seeds are poisonous. If chewed, we can throw up and tongue numbness,. Therefore, this section is only used as an external medicine for skin diseases.

Of course to make pulp or shell as a drug, need processing first. Can be used as dried fruit, tea racik, or instant herb. However, that is
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Other parts that can be used as medicine is the stem and leaves. Crown stem empirically god can treat bone cancer. While the leaves can cure impotence, dysentery, allergies, and tumors. To utilize is to boil the leaves and drink the water.

Do not be surprised. So drink potions crown god, we immediately felt the sleep attacks. This effect is normal. Another effect is drunk. To eliminate this effect it is recommended to drink more water. For further consumption, the dose should be reduced crown god. If it still drunk, you should stop for a while first. In the process of the disease or cure serious diseases like cervical cancer, after patients taking the crown steeping his gods could feel the heat and cold, and sometimes even foul-smelling blood clot issue. This is a cleaning process of the disease,

Minggu, 21 September 2014

criadores de plantas sobre la edad de dos meses

Los brotes que salen de la bombilla se corta y listo para ser criados. Manera generativa rara vez se hace en el cultivo a gran escala de la batata. Este método se utiliza para propagar semillas en una escala limitada. O para restaurar las características superiores de los padres.
La segunda forma es mediante Distek propagación vegetativa. Los candidatos fueron tomadas de los criadores de plantas sobre la edad de dos meses con un segmento corto. El truco, cortar el tallo de la planta es de aproximadamente 15-25 cm de largo. En cada pieza hay al menos dos segmentos de tallo. Papas mayoría de sus hojas para reducir la
GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA ONLINE SBOBET IBCBET TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA DI INDONESIA evaporación. Ate los tallos Distek y dejar reposar durante una semana en la sombra.
La propagación por estacas de tallo se degrada continuamente la calidad de la planta. Por lo tanto, la propagación por estacas sólo se recomienda para la siembra de 3-5 generaciones. La preparación del terreno para el cultivo de la batata
Las condiciones del suelo son adecuadas para el cultivo de la batata es franco arenoso, friable, contiene una gran cantidad de nutrientes y tiene un buen drenaje. El cultivo de la batata en un suelo seco y grietas, reducirá la inmunidad de las plantas. Las plantas susceptibles a plagas y enfermedades. Por el contrario, si se planta en lugar húmedo o embarrado, el tubérculo enano, alto contenido de fibra, la pudrición del tubérculo y golpes de forma sencilla.
El grado de acidez del suelo son ideales para el cultivo de la patata dulce alrededor de 5.5 hasta 7.5 pH. Esta planta crece bien en tierra firme o en campos antiguos de arroz. En tierra firme, el cultivo de la batata adecuados lleva a cabo al final de la temporada de lluvias. Mientras más conveniente para los campos de arroz durante la estación seca.
Relativamente cultivo de la patata dulce no requiere una gran cantidad de fertilizante. Especialmente cuando se plantan en los campos de arroz agen texas poker dan domino online indonesia terpercaya antiguos. Antes de plantar el ñame, el suelo debe ser arado ni labrada tan suelto. Entonces la forma de camas de 30-40 cm de altura. Crear bedangan 60-100 cm de ancho, con una distancia de 40-60 cm entre las camas. Longitud de camas siguiendo la forma de la tierra.

Kamis, 04 September 2014

then carried out after 15 days old plants

Weeding should not disturb plant roots are at that age are HATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia still not strong enough to grip the ground then carried out after 15 days old plants. 3 Pembumbunan Pembumbunan performed in conjunction with the weeding to strengthen the position of the stem so that the plant does not easily fall down and shut roots emerging above the soil surface dueHATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia g to aeration. Done when the plants are 6 weeks old, along with the time of fertilization. Land on the right and left diuruk row crops with a hoe, and then dumped in row crops. In this way will form elongated ridges. 4 Irrigation and Watering Once the seed is planted, watering taste, except when the soil was moist, aim to keep the plants fresh. But ahead of flowering plants, the larger the required water so that the water needs to be drained in the trenches between bumbunan corn crop. Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 6 F. Pests Pests and Diseases 1 a. Seed flies (Atherigona exigua Stein) Symptoms: the leaves change color to yellow, the affected areas decay, eventually withered plants, plants become stunted growth or death. Cause: seed flies with a fly color characteristics of gray, greenish yellow color striped back, abdomen yellowish brown color, color pearl white eggs, and flies 3-3.5 mm long. Control: (1) simultaneous planting and application of crop rotation. (2) the affected plants immediately removed and destroyed. (3) Sanitation garden. (4) spray with PESTONA b. The cutter Caterpillars Symptoms: plants cut a few centimeters above the ground, marked with bite marks on its trunk, consequently young plant collapsed. Cause: some types of caterpillars cutter: Agrotis ipsilon; Spodoptera litura, corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis), corn and fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera). Control: (1) simultaneous planting or crop rotation; (2) find and kill the caterpillars (usually in the ground); (3) Spray PESTONA, VITURA or VIREXI. 2 a disease. Downy mildew (Downy mildew) Cause: The fungus Peronosclerospora maydis and P. javanica and P. philippinensis, rampant at temperatures above 270 C as well as the state of moist air. Symptoms: (1) age 2-3 weeks spiky leaves, small, rigid, inhibited the growth of the stem, the color yellow, the underside of the leaf there is a layer of white fungal spores; (2) the agHATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia of 3-5 weeks of impaired growth, the leaves changing color of the base of the leaves, cobs changing form and content;
